

  The whales started to move away. The ship's engine started with a roaring noise; the chase began. The ship increased speed and pushed its way forward, making water splash onto the deck.
Junior clenched his teeth and tried hard to hold himself steady on the deck. Probably having noticed the chase, the whales swam faster. They moved faster and faster while making giant leaps above the water's surface.

  All of a sudden, a large swell hit the ship sideways surging over the rails. In an instant the swell hurled Junior off the ship into the sea! It was so sudden that he had no way to prevent it.
A moment later, he found himself in the midst of a swirl of boiling ocean. Loud, deafening noises terrified him and he couldn't help swallowing some water.
He felt salty water coming into his nostrils and ears.

  "Help, help, I'm drowning!" he cried with muffled voice; he suffered terribly from the water he had swallowed.
In order to breathe, he desperately tried to get out of the water, moving all four legs as fast as he could. Fear and suffocation struck him and he thought he was dying. He ceased to fight -- and the sea became calm, turning blue all around him.

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