

  Junior tried again to free the whale without success. He gave it up, and then there was nothing to do but watch the open sea.

  After a while he got bored watching the sea, and he asked the whale, "Sir, how do you like living in the ocean all the time? On the land, there are woods, forests, rivers and the like, but what about in the ocean?"

  "Well, well. I don't know anything on the land as I have never been there, but the ocean is, I think, as fascinating as the land." "For one thing, there are currents of sea water similar to rivers on land. A current carries warm or cold water in a certain direction."

  "And there are woods of coral reefs and forests of sea weeds. There are so many different kinds of creatures living in the sea!
Some of them swim, and others float. And some crawl along the sea beds, while others seldom move at all. Some are huge in size just like I am, while others are tiny, too small to even see. Some have beautiful decorations and patterns. Some are poisonous. Some live in groups, while others live by themselves. There are friendly ones and fierce ones. There are cowards who are always on the run, and others are fighters. Oh, yes! And you know, the ocean is filled with many kinds of sounds. Do you know, we pass messages to each other through different sounds?"

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