

  Junior felt a little guilty at having such a feast while sitting on the whale who was unable to eat. But, since Senior told him to help himself to the catch, he took the liberty of eating it by himself.

  His stomach full, Junior posed a puzzling question to Senior.
"I wonder why you whales eat only small fish. Your mouth is big enough to swallow bigger fish as large as myself."

  "Yes, our mouths are large--but instead of teeth we have something called baleen plates that filter our food, and we can only eat small fish and plankton."

  On occasion, Junior had eaten canned tuna fish and mackerel. They had tasted delicious to him. But whales, he thought, did not seem to be interested in such fish, which abounded around them.
It seemed a shame to him that the whales, though their bodies were so big, could only eat small fish and plankton.

  "You did not seem pleased when I told you I had been on a ship with humans. You hate humans, don't you?" asked Junior.

  "Hum ..." Senior groaned.

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