

  A ray of sun peeked over the horizon. A moment later, more light appeared. The sun began to rise up from the sea. The sky turned from black to purple to red to light blue as the day broke gradually. A panoramic view unfolded.

  Then the unimaginable happened: A giant whale leapt out of the sea into the sky, and rose higher and higher toward the heavens.
The water splashed and sparkled with light from the just risen sun. The light from the sun reflected on the whale in a prism of colors.
How could he forget this unworldly scene, Junior thought. It was an absolutely unparalleled experience!

  The sky became brighter, and Senior's spirit was now nowhere to be seen in the sky. Where in the world did Senior's spirit go, Junior wondered. He must have set forth for a long journey that is far beyond the vast sea and the blue sky. His spirit must have reached a paradise like the ice-filled Antarctic sea, where he could play with many of his friends from the past.
Where else he could be other than in a blissful paradise like that, Junior mused.

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